ministries & serving
We offer Life Groups every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. There are multiple classes for all ages and walks of life. See an usher or greeter for more information and directions to a classroom for you and your family.
Our Senior Adult ministry is a great group for those 50+. This group typically meets the second Tuesday of each month for food and fellowship, and plans various outings throughout the year. Join our group on Facebook for more information.
Women's Ministries
Our Women's Ministry small group meets for fellowship, sharing, and the Word. Watch for an announcement of our next event and make plans to join us.
Join our Women's Ministry Facebook Group:
Men's Ministries
Our Men's Ministry small group meets for a time of food, fellowship and the Word. Watch for an announcement of our next event and make plans to join us.
Join our Men's Ministry Facebook Group:
Community Outreach
School Pantries - The River assists students in need of clothing, food, personal care items and school supplies. Contact the church office if you need assistance.
If you are a student at Douglas High School, we operate the Eagle's Nest Pantry on campus in the grey portable building by the band room at DHS. We are open on Fridays from 8:30 - 11AM when school is in session.
The River Praise Team and musicians lead us into His presence through powerful praise and worship every Sunday service. For more information on being a part of the praise team or musicians, contact our worship leader, Jonathan Floyd.
Children / Youth / Young Adults
Every Sunday morning, Kid's Church is available for ages 3-5, and 6-12 starting at 10 AM. Nursery is available for children ages 0-2.
We offer classes for boys and girls every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. Royal Rangers is available for boys ages 6-12 and Girl's Club is available for girls ages 6-12.
River Student Ministry, ages 13-18, has worship services at 6:15 PM on Wednesday nights. Cameron and Shannon Gipson are the student pastors. There are other ministries available for River Students such as Youth Band and Junior Leaders (for students >18). Find them on Facebook & Instagram for more information!
TRC College & Young Adult Ministry meets Sundays in the TRC Fellowship Hall at 1 PM. Also watch for announcements of planned outings! This ministry is under the leadership of Austin & Melisha Higdon.
TRC Community Groups - The life group ministry of The River Church. Community Groups have 3 sessions each year, spring, summer & fall. Winter 2024 session starts the week of Feb. 4.
Community Groups can be almost anything...share your interests, talents, hobbies, studies, and connect with others! If you are interested in leading a group in the future, pick up a leader's application at Connect Central or click here. Fill it out and turn in to the church office.
serving opportunities
Our TRC family is always looking for opportunities to serve our church family and community. Whether it's a neighborhood cleanup, doing random acts of kindness for the elderly or assisting our city leaders with an event. We're ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
Check here often for the latest serving opportunities in our church & community.